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Tourism Corporation Bonaire shares a recap of the outcome of PR efforts of February 2025

March 18, 2025

Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) is pleased to announce the results of the different public relations efforts in partnership with Bonaire’s PR agency, Diamond Public Relations, for February 2025.

The public relations plan for 2025 focuses on raising awareness of Bonaire in key markets in North America and Europe by staying on top of trends that align with the island. These trends, in particular, are culinary experiences that reign year after year as one of the top reasons to travel and visit a destination, detour destinations that offer more thoughtful trips and are lesser-known, astro-tourism events such as solar eclipses, natural phenomena, and bioluminescent activities will continue to be hot, and outdoor adventures that involve physical activity or learning a new skill which also helps to preserve local skills and stories within the community. Public relations efforts will continue highlighting the island’s commitment to conservation and sustainability.

In February 2025, Bonaire received a mix of digital, print, and social media coverage, resulting in an overall reach of 31.6 million media impressions and 9 earned media placements in the North American markets and 6.7 million media impressions, and 6 earned media placements in the European markets.

Top Hits – North America
The top press hits of February 2025 include a beautiful Bonaire article in The New York Times, Condé Nast Traveler and a Bonaire coverage on Toronto Star, all of the story pieces showcased the island as one of the more affordable Caribbean islands to visit this winter and tips on what to do and where to stay, including special mention to island partners; Bamboo Bonaire, Windhoek Boutique Resort Bonaire, Chogogo Dive & Beach Resort, and more. Other top hits included an online coverage on Travel Age West, highlighting some of the unique sustainability experiences travelers can take advantage of when visiting Bonaire, such as being part of and signing The Bonaire Bond and adopting a coral nursery tree through the Reef Renewal Foundation Bonaire.

The press hits of February are as results of previous press visits and Diamond Public Relations’ constant pitching.

Top Pitching Angles – North America
The top pitching angles for February included 2025 Travel Trends, Sustainable Travel, Romantic Getaways, Solo Travel Opportunities, Warm Getaways from New York, and Affordable Caribbean Vacations.

Top Hits – Europe
The top press hits of February include a great article on, highlighting the on island experiences of journalist Igor Vandenberghe, who came to Bonaire on a press visit last year. The article includes special mention to island partners; Bamboo Bonaire, Posada Para Mira, Pickup Huren Bonaire, Epic Tours Bonaire, Landsailing Adventures, and more. Other top hits included a Bonaire coverage on, featuring new developments and culinary experiences on the island, and an online article on De Telegraaf / VRIJ by travel journalist Sigrid Stamkot who recently visited the island at the invitation of Corendon. The article includes special mention to island partners; The Frans Paradise, Delfins Beach Resort, Harbour Village, John’s Ice Cream, Van der Valk Plaza Beach Resort, and more.

In February, TCB hosted two media visits in collaboration with several island partners: Your Little Black Book and The results of these media visits can already be seen on their Instagram accounts. More deliverables will follow soon.

Top Pitching Angles – Europe
The top pitching angles for February included Child-friendly Vacations on Bonaire, Top Culinary Addresses on Bonaire, and Vacation on Bonaire: What to Do and See.

In April, TCB, in collaboration with several island partners, will host a journalist from TripTalk Nederland on Bonaire, to cover a story on Dia di Rincon, boutique/small-scale accommodations, and gastronomy experiences. The cover story will be featured in the winter 2025/2026 edition.

TCB wishes to thank all participating partners from the private sector and stakeholders for their continued support and cooperation with media hosting and content for ongoing pitching efforts.